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Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Planika à iSaloni 2024

Vitrine en direct des nouveautés et de l’innovation ! Bonjour aux passionnés de design ! Chaque année, iSaloni est une occasion spéciale pour nous de présenter nos innovations révolutionnaires dans les cheminées BEV et les braseros extérieurs modernes qui révolutionnent l’industrie. Rejoignez-nous pour voir ces nouveautés en direct et témoigner de la manière dont Planika […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty


QU’EST-CE QU’UN POÊLE MODERNE? Les poêles modernes sont des cheminées à éthanol autonomes et automatiques équipées de la technologie innovante BEV® (Combustion des Vapeurs d’Éthanol). Ils produisent de véritables flammes sans nécessiter de cheminée car ils ne dégagent pas de fumée. Les cheminées Planika sont contrôlées aussi facilement qu’une télévision – avec une télécommande. De […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

Élevez Votre Espace Extérieur avec les Tables de Feu : La Tendance Ultime

Élevez Votre Espace Extérieur avec les Tables de Feu : La Tendance Ultime Dans le domaine des tendances de vie en plein air, les tables de feu se sont imposées comme un véritable élément révolutionnaire. Ces pièces à double fonction allient sans effort le charme d’un foyer chaleureux à la fonctionnalité d’une table élégante, faisant […]

Temps de lecture: 9 minuty

Mur multimédia – à portée de main de la cheminée

Un téléviseur installé au-dessus de la cheminée peut non seulement être à la portée de l’imagination du client, mais aussi devenir le point central de nombreux aménagements intérieurs. Tous les types de cheminées ne conviennent pas à l’installation d’un mur multimédia. Avant de décider d’acheter une cheminée, il est important de s’assurer que la solution […]

Temps de lecture: 8 minuty


20 ANS DE PLANIKA Il y a 20 ans, Jarosław Dąbrowski et Artur Weilandt, assis autour d’un feu de joie en Australie, ont eu l’idée de créer une entreprise de cheminées à l’éthanol. En octobre 2022, cette même entreprise – Planika – a célébré son 20e anniversaire avec des revendeurs du monde entier. Au cours […]

Temps de lecture: 8 minuty


STONE ET ROCK – UNE RÉVOLUTION DANS LE SECTEUR DES CHEMINÉES Les cheminées Stone et Rock sont totalement nouvelles sur le marché ! Bien qu’elles ressemblent à une cheminée à bois, ils sont équipées de la technologie moderne BEV (Burning Ethanol Vapours), Donc elles assurent la combustion complète des vapeurs de bioéthanol et, par conséquent, […]

Temps de lecture: 6 minuty

Les cheminées à l’éthanol dégagent-elles de la chaleur ?

Les cheminées à l’éthanol dégagent-elles de la chaleur ? Bien qu’une nouvelle cheminée avec BEV (Burning Ethanol Vapours) n’ait pas été conçue pour devenir une solution de chauffage pour les bâtiments, elle augmente efficacement la température dans les pièces où elle est utilisée. Dans le cas des cheminées automatiques à l’éthanol Planika, les flammes proviennent […]

Temps de lecture: 5 minuty

Foyers automatiques BEV en Norvège – Planika et Jøtul deviennent partenaires commerciaux.

Foyers automatiques BEV en Norvège – Planika et Jøtul deviennent partenaires commerciaux. En janvier 2022, Jøtul a officiellement commencé à coopérer avec Planika et est devenu son distributeur exclusif en Norvège. Edyta Nowak et Katarzyna Maciejak, se sont rendues au Showroom d’Uppsala pour présenter la gamme de produits, former les nouveaux entrepreneurs et discuter des […]

Temps de lecture: 7 minuty


COMMENT FONCTIONNE UNE CHEMINÉE À L’ÉTHANOL ? COMPARAISON DES FOYERS AUTOMATIQUES ET MANUELS La construction des cheminées automatiques avec la technologie BEV au bioéthanol est plus complexe que celle d’une cheminée manuelle à l’éthanol. À l’intérieur de l’appareil, il y a un réservoir pour le combustible bioéthanol liquide, un générateur de vapeur, une pompe interne, […]

Temps de lecture: 8 minuty

Pourquoi les foyers automatiques à l’éthanol dotés de la technologie BEV sont-ils plusieurs fois plus chers que les foyers manuels ?

Pourquoi les foyers automatiques à l’éthanol dotés de la technologie BEV sont-ils plusieurs fois plus chers que les foyers manuels ? Connaissant les bas prix des foyers bio manuels des magasins de bricolage, le prix de 4550 EUR (excl. VAT) pour un insert automatique Planika peut surprendre. Pour comprendre les composantes de ce prix et […]

Temps de lecture: 7 minuty


PLANIKA & AURA WELLNESS – ÉVÉNEMENT ÉDUCATIF POUR LES ARCHITECTES DANS LA SALLE D’EXPOSITION DE NOTRE DISTRIBUTEUR Avec le retour des événements sociaux en 2022, l’un des distributeurs de Planika en Hongrie – Aura Wellness a décidé d’organiser un événement de 3 jours pour les architectes et les designers. Les propriétaires du showroom – Tamás […]

Temps de lecture: 13 minuty

Que devez-vous savoir avant d’acheter un chauffage de terrasse au gaz ?

Que devez-vous savoir avant d’acheter un chauffage de terrasse au gaz ? Qu’il s’agisse des différentes formes et tailles, des divers types d’alimentation électrique ou des différentes applications, les chauffages de terrasse peuvent créer une ambiance exceptionnelle dans les espaces extérieurs. En particulier au printemps et en été, on peut voir ces produits dans les […]

Temps de lecture: 9 minuty

Une cheminée moderne dans le salon – et si ce n’était pas une cheminée à gaz ?

Une cheminée moderne dans le salon – et si ce n’était pas une cheminée à gaz ? Si vous envisagez d’installer une cheminée moderne dans votre salon, vous aimeriez le plus souvent une cheminée avec un vrai feu, avec de belles couleurs, une longue ligne de feu, sans nettoyage, toujours prête à être allumée et […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty


COMMENT UTILISER L’ESPACE REVENDEUR DE PLANIKA GUIDE PRATIQUE Presque chaque jour, les clients de Planika nous envoient de nombreuses demandes de matériel marketing, de spécifications techniques de foyers, de manuels, etc. Constatant une telle demande, nous avons décidé de répondre à vos besoins en créant une base de données de fichiers à télécharger en libre […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty


CONVERTIR UNE CHEMINÉE À GAZ EN CHEMINÉE À L’ÉTHANOL – ÉTUDE DE CAS L’histoire d’un réveil devant une cheminée à gaz qui ne fonctionnait pas et d’une détente le soir devant une cheminée à l’éthanol. La cheminée à gaz était un élément préexistant du domaine, mais nous ne savions pas comment la raccorder à une […]

Temps de lecture: 8 minuty


QUEL EST LE MEILLEUR COMBUSTIBLE BIOÉTHANOL POUR LES CHEMINÉES ? GUIDE D’ACHAT Les foyers bio deviennent de plus en plus populaires, c’est pourquoi le nombre de fabricants de combustible bioéthanol augmente également. L’origine du combustible peut être différente, ce qui influence ses qualités.Êtes-vous sûr de pouvoir choisir le combustible bioéthanol qui convient à votre cheminée […]

Temps de lecture: 18 minuty

Est-il sûr d’installer une télévision au-dessus d’une cheminée ?

Est-il sûr d’installer une télévision au-dessus d’une cheminée ? Les 4 points les plus importants à prendre en compte Ces dernières années, un téléviseur au-dessus de la cheminée est devenu extrêmement à la mode dans le monde de la décoration intérieure et de l’architecture. Relier deux éléments forts qui augmentent l’expérience visuelle pourrait être une […]

Temps de lecture: 8 minuty

Les cheminées à l’éthanol sont-elles sûres ?

Les cheminées à l’éthanol sont-elles sûres ? Comme alternative aux poêles à bois traditionnels, nous pouvons trouver des cheminées à biocombustible. Cette solution a donné la possibilité d’avoir une cheminée sans installation classique de cheminée, de conduit ou de tuyau.  Parmi les cheminées au bioéthanol, on distingue les appareils manuels et les appareils automatiques. Les […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Planika interview stefania skrabak (PL)

Art home garden Amazing apartment transformation by Art Home GardenCharles & Tikka project by Stefania Skrabak from Art Home Garden definitely wins hearts of “green buildings” lovers.Bio ethanol Fireplace was installed in this NYC eco-building for the first time and it has generated incredibly positive response from householders as well as all visitors.

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

How safe is it to place a tv over a fireplace? (PL)

Have you ever considered how safe it is to place a tv over a fireplace? If not, we have a perfect solution. Having a fireplace at home was a privilege some time ago, but thankfully this has changed and now everyone, almost everywhere can own one. People usually feel best at the comfort of their […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

New gas fireplaces by planika (PL)

A combination of natural flames and comfort of use. Planika is a world-wide recognized ethanol fireplaces manufacturer. An innovative approach, modern design, and constant development make us the leader on the market. Planika is a world-wide recognized manufacturer of high-end ethanol fireplaces. An innovative approach, modern design, and constant development make us the leader on […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Interior design with dot.projekt (FR)

Interview by planika We have recently had the opportunity to interview a young, open-minded interior designer, Aleksandra Bobrowicz-Nadolny from a Polish company – dot.projekt. Aleksandra told us about her latest project in Cracow, her visions, inspirations and experiences while using Planika products. Inspired by several foreign projects (Decorum Architects, Bouroullec Brothers or Jaime Hayon) the […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Saniya chughtai‘s project with the fire line automatic (FR)

The people’s choice award Planika’s wonderful fireplace, included in the interior design project created by Saniya Chughtai has helped her to win the INDEX Contemporary Majlis Design Competition! We are really proud that the bio fireplace enriched Saniya‘s project. Saniya is a Dublin-based interior and architect designer with a great passion for design that exceeds […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

The longest fireplace you can have interview (FR)

Tomasz Tubisz (Cubic projekt) We have recently interviewed a successful architect and interior designer – Tomasz Tubisz from Cubic Projekt. We chatted about his work, the private residence in Bialystok, which was one of his most exciting and difficult projects. Inspired by the work of Robert Konieczny and other professionals, the architect is also keen […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Planika at the Milan Design Week 2013 (FR)

Milan Design Week 2013 We are excited to announce that Planika will make an appearance on Milan Design Week in Italy, which we cordially invite you to attend. From the 9th of April 2013 we will be present on events dedicated to exclusive contemporary designs: Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2013, Superstudio Piu (Temporary Museum For […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Design by the sea interview with MSWW (FR)

Look to the future and modernity Presenting our latest podcast, with the Ministerstwo Spraw We Wnętrzach. Their design is characterized by the contemporary style, with a touch of old times and class. It has also an insightful look to the future and modernity. Those little things inspire MSWW and create a modern sense of style, […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

The pure feel of the real fire (FR)

Interview with tom cornwell On this month’s case study, meet Tom Cornwell, managing partner of The Oakridge Partnership, and the owner of an absolutely amazing Villa Escarpa in Portugal. The video examines Tom’s overall design philosophy and how that approach was carried out during the Villa Escarpa Project. This is probably one of the largest […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Planika on masters of lxry 2013 (FR)

Planika Fires at Masters of LXRY 2013 If you are interested in something a little more exclusive we have an option in front of you. Planika together with Studio Robin Sluijzer will feature the latest high-end products during the Masters of Lxry 2013 (previously known as The Millionaire Fair) in Amsterdam from December 12-16. It […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Reaching the clouds with planika’s fire (FR)

Interview with hans murman The Swedish landscapes offer not only beautiful panoramas but also many unique designs of buildings and commercial facilities. One of them is Tusen restaurant accomplished by the Swedish architect – Hans Murman from the Murman Architekter design office. This fantastic building situated between the ski-slopes of the Ramundberget resort is reminiscent […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Planika is proud to be part of the world’s (FR)

Most important international design fair The next edition of Milan Design Week once again will set the new trends. Timelessly beautiful form, unconventionality and precision in conjunction with the astonishing element of fire will be the theme of this year’s exhibition of Planika Fires and RES Italia. Planika Fires at Milan Design Week 2014 The […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

See you on the 36th Yapi Turkeybuild Istanbul 2013 (FR)

We are excited to see you next week on the 36th YAPI TURKEYBUILD Istanbul 2013, at the TUYAP Fair, Congress Center Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey. Here are a few details before you go. It is the biggest inter-regional building gathering that spans Turkey, Balkans, former CIS countries, North Africa and Middle East. We will present the […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Interiors like a box of chocolates interview with geometrix design (FR)

Geometrix Design Paraphrasing a famous movie quote from the Forrest Gump, Geometrix Design is like a box of chocolates “you never know, what you gonna get”. This Russian design team, Michael Miroshkin and Elen Miroshkina established their own studio in Russia about six years ago. Since then, they keep trying to prove that geometry and architecture are […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Bio fireplace for eco design interview with living in space (FR)

Living in Space Tanyth Thomson and Zehra Abidi are part of the successful English interior design company – Living in Space. Dealing with everything from interior refurbishment to new builds. In a recent interview, we had the pleasure to talk about their latest eco development, changes in advance bioethanol fuel fires, as well as their […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Beurs eigen huis intelligent fire controlled with smart home system (FR)

Intelligent Fire We would like to invite you to Beurs Eigen Huis in Holland from October 9 –11. Come and visit us at the Domotica Projects stand no. DH23. We would like to show you our vision of Intelligent Fire which can be a great alternative to gas fireplaces. Discover Controlled by WiFi Smart Home […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Sail with style planika reached another (FR)

Milestone installing a fireplace on yacht We are proud to announce that our flagship product- the FLA 3 has become a part of the Serenity – Mondomarine SF40 Superyacht’s interior design.For the first time in history, you can enjoy real, dancing flames while traveling across the world on the deck of a luxury yacht. Until […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Enjoy the luxury of fire masters of lxry 2015 (FR)

Fire Line Automatic Planika together with Studio Robin Sluijzer and Domotica will feature the latest high-end products during the Masters of Luxury 2015 in Amsterdam from December 10 –14. The Masters of Luxury 2013 became a landmark in the luxury event calendars. One you cannot miss. Planika will be presented along with global luxury brands […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Three scenes of fire design Planika at the Milan Design Week (FR)

Milan Design Week For the 7th time, Planika Fires proudly invites you to the Milan Design Week exhibition from the 12th to 17th April, 2016.Planika together with Vibieffe, Caccaro and Alno will introduce visitors to the unique ambience of thoughtful contemporary fire and interior design. This will also be an exceptional event due to the […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Planika’s yearly event in spain for architects and interior designers (FR)

Planika’s annual meeting with architects It has already become an annual tradition for Planika to organise an event during which we are able to share our ideas and introduce new products. On our guest list you can find not only top architects, interior designers and distributors, but also people dedicated to the company and responsible […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Planika at Maison Objet Paris 02-06 september 2016 (FR)

In Paris At the beginning of September 2016 Planika once again took the opportunity to present its unique bio fireplaces on the International Maison Objet Fair in Paris. In collaboration with Haifu, a furniture company from Haiti, we prepared an elegant and original display presenting not only our well-known Fire Line Automatic, but also introducing […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Petit commerce latest update (FR)

In outdoor collection Upcoming cold season inspired Planika’s specialists for new ideas in order to provide unique, luxurious and user friendly products. Because small things make the difference, Planika expanded Petit Commerce is another example of bio fireplace which can be used both inside and out. Outdoor collection with mini bio fireplace named Petit Commerce. […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Successful debut on fairs ACETECH in Mumbai the biggest exhibition in India (FR)

ACETECH Mumbai Together with our exclusive business partner S.T. Unicom we took part in ACETECH Mumbai – the biggest exhibition in India. Planika was proudly represented by our Commercial Director, Anna Tubisz and Head of Sales Department, Edyta Nowak. From 11th to 13th of November they were happy to display Fire Line Automatic 3, Pyramid […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Some want it to be bio. Some want it to be gas. Now planika satisfies them both. (FR)

Bio fireplaces Once we reached the top in the bio fireplaces industry, we started looking for new paths to extend our offer. Answering our clients’ needs we started working on gas fireplace technology, for those who wish to use gas within their fireplace design but still desire the combination of high-tech and top-notch design. Today […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

Planika interview stefania skrabak (FR)

Art home garden Amazing apartment transformation by Art Home GardenCharles & Tikka project by Stefania Skrabak from Art Home Garden definitely wins hearts of “green buildings” lovers.Bio ethanol Fireplace was installed in this NYC eco-building for the first time and it has generated incredibly positive response from householders as well as all visitors.

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

How safe is it to place a tv over a fireplace? (FR)

Have you ever considered how safe it is to place a tv over a fireplace? If not, we have a perfect solution. Having a fireplace at home was a privilege some time ago, but thankfully this has changed and now everyone, almost everywhere can own one. People usually feel best at the comfort of their […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

New gas fireplaces by planika (FR)

A combination of natural flames and comfort of use. Planika is a world-wide recognized ethanol fireplaces manufacturer. An innovative approach, modern design, and constant development make us the leader on the market. Planika is a world-wide recognized manufacturer of high-end ethanol fireplaces. An innovative approach, modern design, and constant development make us the leader on […]

Temps de lecture: 1 minuta

8 top outdoor design trends for 2018 (FR)

Your dream outdoor space with corten and concrete fireplaces Spring is the best time to remodel and transform your garden into something really extraordinary. Check out our 8 top outdoor trends of 2018 and find your way to blur the lines between inside and outside. Here’s a little inspiration

Temps de lecture: 5 minuty

Is your fireplace ready for the upcoming regulations? (FR)

Update a traditional burner with the eco-friendly insert l-fire. The much-beloved traditional fireplaces bring to our minds the vision of a crisp, cozy evening and crackling logs. But is all so bright and shiny about it, as most people think? It is now obvious that fireplaces utilizing natural wood have some serious drawbacks that significantly […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

Choose a bio fireplace for your apartment or condo (FR)

Flueless fireplaces for apartments Most apartment owners are under assumptions that installing a fireplace in a condominium is not possible due to various reasons, like lack of chimney or storage space. Safety reasons are also a big factor here, as traditional fireplaces produce soot, ash or smoke, and it is a potential hazard for people […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

Planika selected as the winner (FR)

Of the vesta award by hearth & home Planika, an internationally recognized manufacturer of automatic fireplaces, was awarded the prestigious Vesta Award during the major fairs in the United States. For the first time, the company presented the new collection of gas fireplaces dedicated for the American market. Planika DV 36’’, one of the debuting […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Top tips how to decorate your fireplace and mantelpiece for the festive season (FR)

Christmas decorations With Christmas just right around the corner, don’t let stress take over your festive spirit! All the hustling and bustling, preparation and shopping, decorations, baubles and ribbons…When it comes to planning, Christmas decorations should be at the very top of our to-do-list. For some daunting and for others fascinating, choosing a theme and […]

Temps de lecture: 2 minuty

Forma’s debut at the ibs international builders show 2020 (FR)

You can never get bored at Planika! From Frankfurt to Warsaw, Dubai and now Las Vegas! You can never get bored at Planika! We kicked off the new year with a fantastic TV appearance at the national breakfast show and then we’ve hit Las Vegas. Gamblers paradise, top tourist destination and the entertainment capital of […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

What is trending in fireplace industry in 2021 (FR)

Trend no #5- ecological approach With constant climate changes and the worry of global warming, traditional fireplaces do not seem to be the best available option. Deforestation is a natural disaster, and according to WWF (World Wild Life) comes in many different forms that harm natural environment. Those beautiful yellow fireflames from burning wood-logs mean […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

Why You Should Switch Your Traditional Burner To Bioethanol Fireplace Insert (FR)

You may think that installing a bio ethanol fireplace insert in your house is a trend that might soon pass. Nothing could be more wrong. With all the ecological issues appearing, the need for CO2 emission reduction, smog problems, bioethanol fireplace insert may be the only way to get real flames in interiors shortly. It […]

Temps de lecture: 3 minuty

What is The Best Garden Fireplace (FR)

Summer is for spending more time in your garden. The time there can be even more enjoyable if you have an outdoor fireplace. You may wonder how to choose the right one if there is such a wide range of outdoor fireplaces on the market. We are here to help you find your perfect burner […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

Custom Bespoke Fireplaces (FR)

Bespoke fireplace for unlimited arrangement possibilities Have you ever looked for a fireplace which is a perfect fit for your design? With no hard connections and exhaust system requirement, Planika offers unlimited arrangement possibilities to turn any interior design idea into reality. Enhance your project with real flames of FLA3. Advanced bespoke fireplace solutions Modern […]

Temps de lecture: 5 minuty

Outdoor Gas Fire Pit (FR)

WHAT IS AN OUTDOOR GAS FIRE PIT FOR IF NOT FOR COOKING How much time do you spend in your garden? With a fire pit there, time spent outside might be even more enjoyable. But, our outdoor fire pits are not a barbecue or any other device dedicated to cooking outside. If you’re looking to […]

Temps de lecture: 4 minuty

What’s the difference between a gas fireplace insert and a gas fireplace? (FR)

THE DIFFERENCE A gas fireplace is a great option to introduce an ambient atmosphere of fire into the interior. The fire is natural and looks comparably to flames from wood-burning fireplaces. If we decide to introduce such a solution to our home, it is necessary to understand the difference between a gas fireplace and a […]

Temps de lecture: 0 minuty